Real Name: Justine Taylor

Legal Occupation: NA

Identity: Secret

Other aliases: None

Place of Birth:  Los Angeles, California

Marital Status: Single/ never married

Group Affiliation: Supreme Team

Base of Operations: Beverly Hills/ Downtown Los Angeles

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 134lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Power and Strength: Star Major is the strongest known superhuman in her universe.

Known Superhuman Powers: In addition to having the ability to fly, Star Major can absorb and emit all the radiation that a star can. She can fly at the speed of light, run at the speed of sound.  

Other Abilities:  The amazing power she commands makes her virtually invulnerable to injury or pain.


Real Name: Corrine Masters

Legal Occupation: NA

Identity: Secret

Other aliases: None

Place of Birth:  Santa Monica, California

Marital Status: Single/ never married

Group Affiliation: Supreme Team

Base of Operations: Beverly Hills/ Downtown Los Angeles

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 131lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Power and Strength: Power possesses superhuman strength. Because she can increase her strength by absorbing kinetic energy, there is no known limit to Power's physical strength.

Known Superhuman Powers: Power can absorb and redirect kinetic force. She can fly at a speed nearly the speed of light, and run at the speed of sound.  

Other Abilities:  Physically, Power is virtually invulnerable to blunt force trauma.


Real Name: America Morrison

Legal Occupation: NA

Identity: Secret

Other aliases: None

Place of Birth:  Los Angeles, California

Marital Status: Single/ never married

Group Affiliation: Supreme Team

Base of Operations: Beverly Hills/ Downtown Los Angeles

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 144lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Power and Strength: Army possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) 75 tons.

Known Superhuman Powers: Army has a bionic spinal column and exoskeleton. Her cerebellum and nervous system are cyber enhanced allowing her to interface with any computer network.  

Other Abilities: Army can generate and discharges a limited range electromagnetic pulse.


Real Name: Maxine Heart

Legal Occupation: NA

Identity: Secret

Other aliases: None

Place of Birth:  Los Angeles, California

Marital Status: Single/ never married

Group Affiliation: Supreme Team

Base of Operations: Beverly Hills/ Downtown Los Angeles

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 122 lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Power and Strength: Sargent Heart has above average strength for a woman her age. 

Known Superhuman Powers: Sargent Heart has no superhuman powers

Other Abilities:  Sargent Heart is a master at many forms of combat, including martial arts. Because of her experience her main asset is her exceptional skill at tactical planning.


Real Name: Alexandria Castle

Legal Occupation: NA

Identity: Secret

Other aliases: None

Place of Birth:  Los Angeles, California

Marital Status: Single/ never married

Group Affiliation: Supreme Team

Base of Operations: Beverly Hills/ Downtown Los Angeles

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 114lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Power and Strength: Caution has above average strength enabling her to lift (press) 200 lbs.

Known Superhuman Powers: Caution can generate an electromagnetic field that is powerful enough to deflect semi automatic gunfire.

Other Abilities: Caution can project her power outwardly to a limited degree.


Real Name: Serena Hill

Legal Occupation: NA

Identity: Secret

Other aliases: None

Place of Birth:  Los Angeles, California

Marital Status: Single/ never married

Group Affiliation: Supreme Team

Base of Operations: Beverly Hills/ Downtown Los Angeles

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 124lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Power and Strength: Dream has average strength for a woman her age.

Known Superhuman Powers: In addition to having the ability to fly, Dream has telekinetic and telepathic abilities.

Other Abilities:  Dream can read thoughts, communicate thoughts, and enable communication with multiple minds at the same time.