Since the dawn of the first superhuman there has never been such a collection of beings so virtuous and brave. In a parallel reality, they are Earth’s most powerful champions. 


Until very recently they were the citizens of what we would deem an alternate earth. An alternate earth within an alternate universe. Their earth contained a world of super humans, both heroes and villains, existing side by side our own parallel universe. On their earth they formed the most powerful collection of superhumans that had literally saved their planet and their universe on countless occasion. If earth ever needed champions they were always it. But after many long years of service, and though there was still a need for their help, Supreme Team had been planning to retire. They were going to return to regular life, to their regular identities and live out their days as “regular” people.


Perhaps had they made different decisions, Supreme Team would have gotten to have that retirement. Perhaps they could have avoided the events that led them through the timestream. After all they had been warned…

Right up until the moment they stepped into the timestream and crossed over into our timespace, their leader, Star Major, tried to prevent all of it from happening. Mega was fully aware of the consequences, but she failed. Star Major failed.


Every decision they made they made together. So it wasn't Star Major's fault Supreme Team breached our timespace but rather they all made the choice together. At the urging of the being known as Starbomb, and the "goddess" from planet Neptune known as the Neptune Queen, Supreme Team went through the timestream in order to find and stop the Chaos Gang who had crossed dimensional space in order to set off a time bomb. For the team of heroes, chances for accomplishing their task were nearly zero. But none of them even flinched.


Most people believe having super human abilities inherently makes one stronger, smarter or just better. It would be a mistake to look at Supreme Team and draw the same conclusions. That each one of them would readily sacrifice their own life to save the lives of so many others is in fact the true essence of their collective power.


Each of them has awesome abilities, true. Star Major, as her name suggests, basically commands the power of the sun. Power can absorb anything thrown at her and become stronger as a result. Army is the bionic equivalent of a human supercomputer, fully intuitive, smarter than any computer system on the planet. Then there is Caution, who can project impenetrable energy fields around herself . Dream, whose psychic abilities make her a formidable telekinetic and telepath. Lastly there is Sargent Heart, who has no superpowers but whose talents and skills as an investigator make her more than a match for even superhuman foes.


The public truly loved them. 

Each one of the team’s members however were looking forward to retirement, even if they couldn’t admit it. Even Star Major wanted it.


And yet, at the moment when they all left their world and crossed over into ours, none of them hesitated at all. The way they saw it, retirement would just have to be postponed until this last mission was resolved. They had thwarted the Chaos Gang plenty of times before after all, none of them saw going into the timestream any differently. They did their duty. What's done is done.


More important than understanding this beginning however, it is time now to focus on the present. Supreme Team is here and they are looking for some dangerous super criminals. If you want The OFFICIAL SUPREME TEAM #1  be sure to sign up for the  GIANTwatch WAITLIST. Don’t miss your chance to get this comic when we publish in 2018. This limited edition first issue comic will not be sold either in stores or online. Sign up for the GIANTWatch WAITLIST here.