
When a group of superhuman criminals reengineer alien dimensional phase technology in order to traverse the time threshold and thereby go back in time, a sequence of events with universal implications begins to unfold threatening a catastrophically destructive singularity which could undermine the structural integrity of the bounds of our dimension. 


That these supervillains have come from an alternate universe is of no comfort to us, though it does give us some time before they can muddy up our timestream permanently.


Already the damage done by the intrusion into the time field has ripped a whole through one version of our Earth. Like a percolating stream or current of water, even the slightest change can divert the current to very strange and divergent ends. 

So it is with the stream of time, and thusly, our timeline has been so diverted from its original course. History has now been rewritten and so too has fate.



The culprits for these events were a gang of brutish superhuman thugs who called themselves simply “The Chaos Gang”. "When" they arrived in our timestream is not entirely clear. "Where" they are is mostly unknown. But miraculously, they were not the only superhumans to enter the timestream when they did. In fact the Chaos Gang were followed by their longtime foes and the very threat they were trekking through time to escape. They were being chased by their old nemesis, the heralded Supreme Team.